#34 (1052) 04.09.2014 – 10.09.2014

It was a few months ago. At the same moment my elder son-soldier from North-East regiment and my younger son-soldier from South-East regiment called me. I didn’t know whom to listen, with whom to talk?
I said: “My sons, you don’t call, you don’t c all and suddenly you call me at the same time. Now what shall I do? Whom shall I talk with?”

The Day of knowledge is one of the most important and cherished holidays for our people.
“Schools are natural lines of fortifications “- once said one of our elders. For me and for each soldier the classroom is tomorrow’s platoon, the school – tomorrow’s large regiment, i.e. today’s schoolchild is the tomorrow of the Armenian army and eventually the army is the continuation of the school.

Checks of the 1st Army Corps by the Main Military Inspectorate of the President of the Republic of Armenia and the periodic visits of RA Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan are left behind. Checks showed that combat training, readiness and military discipline in the Army Corps, operating under the command of Colonel Tigran Parvanyan, are at the highest level.

Homeland – it is not only Yerevan. Homeland – it is first of all the cross-border and mountain village, the farmer, who does not bend his back neither before difficulties, nor before the bullet of a Turk, and due to him our borders are strong and impregnable. Standing on the reference point soldier knows well that there is nowhere to retreat. Where to retreat? Behind his back are his family, his village, his native land.

The bus is racing to Yerevan. Besides students, accompanying them their parents, tourists, there are also soldiers, encouraged with additional holiday, who are going to the capital. They are accompanied with battalion deputy head. They actively talk about everything. Passengers intervene, ask about the situation on the border, about the food … And then suddenly it turns out that today is the birthday of senior sergeant Khachatur Avetisyan, it is his 20th anniversary.