#07 (1076) 26.02.2015 – 4.03.2015

Now no longer is in vogue the phrase “a woman’s place is in the kitchen.” Yet Greek philosopher Plato foresaw that there will come a time when women equal to men will possess different crafts and even go to war. Today in the armies of many countries it is already possible to see female soldiers.

On duty soldier Saro Samvelyan committed suicide who found no other way out of the impasse.
It turns out that the guys, who served in the post, were not satisfied with the punishment provided by the charter, and they came up with their own “charter”.
An excerpt from the criminal case: “The squad leader Sergeant Sergei Karapetyan… to first arrived on alert Saro Samvelyan said that on his part, as a punishment, curse is determined, if someone while on duty will sleep, sit, take off the helmet or lower the weapon.”

Recently, a group of 1000 people from the defenders of the country-Yerkrapah visited all the military units of Artsakh, battle points. After summarizing this unique pilgrimage, chairman of Yerkrapah – General Manvel Grigoryan initiated the visit of three generations to the bordering with Azerbaijan military units and posts of Armenia.
Hundreds of teenagers, young people and the older generation had meetings with residents of Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Tavush and other areas, with the soldiers who were serving in combat positions.

Briefing about the security requirements is an integral part of military training to meet the requirements of safety and periodically is carried out during military service.
Taking as a basis the order of the RA Defense Minister of 2011, “Theoretical and practical complex training on security of military service with all personnel of the military unit” are held in each half year twice.
One of the trainings is carried out in the preparatory stage of the half-year under the direction of the unit commander.
Given the security risks of military service, on the decision of the commander each month classes on “Compliance with safety regulations” can be conducted.

In the homeland of my ancestors (villages Jinis, Sogyutlu in Erzurum), I met with the people who now live in a house built by my great-grandfather Isoyan and his brother. The owner Turk Mehedi respectfully invited us into the house, treated with sweet tea, and we handed out gifts to children. It was like a dream – a few days ago I was at my home in Javakhque, and today – here.