

On March 5 Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan accompanied by Seyran Ohanyan, Minister of Defense, met the servicemen of one of the military units in Yerevan, presenting the educational program implemented in the Armed Forces. It is aimed at development of professional skills and knowledge of demobilized soldiers in certain educational subjects and their preparation for the admission to the RA higher educational institutions, preliminary and middle professional educational institutions. «During your military service we have to help you to get oriented in the matter of education and specialization. Before demobilization we have to make it clear with you what you are going to do after the army. The state will stand next to those soldiers who want to get knowledge in order to continue their education in the higher educational institutions»,- mentioned the Prime Minister.

With a view to implement educational preparatory work for the admission to the higher educational institutions, 172 post-graduate, graduate students and young professors from Armenian State Pedagogical University and 6 other higher educational institutions are to be attached to the soldiers.

Seyran Ohanyan expressed his appreciation to the Prime Minister for the implementation of this educational undertaking. According to the Minister, 17% of the soldiers currently involved in the military service of the RA Armed Forces have higher or incomplete higher education, 16% have secondary professional education, 57% have secondary or incomplete secondary education. “This is the category of soldiers, who would like to continue their education in higher educational institutions, which will raise the education level of the Armed Forces. Many servicemen happen to be in the searches of education and job after the army, and this program is to contribute to their orientation’’,- mentioned the Minister.

This educational program has a piloting character in the meanwhile, and is yet to be implemented in 2 military units of the Republic.

Category: #10 (926) 15.03.2012 – 21.03.2012, News, Spotlight, Social and legal
