

On March 13 “Synopsis Armenia” hosted the meeting of the Winners club members, awarded with the annual educational award of the RA President in the sphere of Information Technologies, with Major General Hayk Kotanjyan, head of the National Strategic Research Institute of the RA Defense Ministry, President of the Armenian Association of Political Sciences, Doctor of Political Sciences. The opening speech was made by Hovik Musayelyan, President of the Competition Commission of the RA President`s annual educational award, introducing the guest of the meeting and his past way. Hayk Kotanjyan told the Winners Club members about his activities both in the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods – in different stages of establishment of independent Armenia. He presented his rich experience in leading different structures in the country and abroad, in developing the national security strategy of the Republic of Armenia and in implementing strategic research. The guest emphasized in particular the importance of his knowledge obtained in the Russian, American and European scientific-educational environment, and of the art of using this knowledge.

Afterwards H. Kotanjyan answered the questions of those present. The questions of the Winners Club members generally related to the security strategy of Armenia, the international and regional military-political situations, threats and defiances menacing Armenia.

H. Kotanjyan called on the youth not to be afraid of difficulties and always think freely. “For thinkers and people busy with intellectual activities the bravery of mind is important. During searches and researches human mind has to be free. Of course, there are norms of ethics in relations the observance of which is the demand of kind politeness, but man certainly has to be mentally free and unconstrained and not to be afraid. This is what I advise to my sons and now to you. This is the pledge of success», – said Hayk Kotanjyan.

Category: #11 (927) 22.03.2012 – 28.03.2012, Army and Society, News, Spotlight
