

On the basis of operating in RF since 1993 reserve officers’ organization “Megapir”, in 2011 “Onternational Consultative Council” (OCC) was founded with 16 member-states, including Armenia.

On May 23-25 a function “Peace and Friendship Mission” was held in Austria and Slovakia where conference on “Officers Traditions as a Means of Democratic Diplomacy”, seminar and experience exchange, a concert, sightseeing, wreath-laying, training-tactical demo-exercises, ceremony of awarding with medal “Officers’ Solidarity” were held.

During the conference this article’s author presented the participation of the Armenians in the World War II. 5 more states became members of the Council: Spain, Germany, Austria, Norway and Jordan.

The participants called for strengthening friendship between the nations taking into account the lessons of wars’ history, positive experience of reserve and retired officers.

Rouben Bakhshyan
Retired Colonel

Category: #26 (942) 5.07.2012 - 11.07. 2012, Army and Society, News, Spotlight
