

Interview with Deputy Head of the Institute for National Strategic Studies after D.Kanayan, Head of Analytical Centre, Executive Director of Political Science Association of Armenia, Cand. Hist. Sciences Benjamin Poghosyan

-According to some political analysts, now Armenia is standing at a geopolitical alternative – European Union or Eurasian Union? What is you opinion?

– I think these two are very far from reality. Armenia is very far from becoming a EU member, even if we sign Associative agreement by the end of the year. As for the idea of the Eurasian Union, till now I haven’t met any clear definition of this union. Which values are considered to be in the base of the Eurasian Union? Till now it is not clear.

– How was the year of 2012 for the Institute? What are the main achievements, further plans?

– The main task of 2012 was the final program on formation of National Defense University. This process started yet in 2003-04 when Institute Head Major General Hayk Kotanjyan was on an internship in USA National Defense University. Our Defense University would have two parts – research and educational. The main part of the research part would be our Institute’s analytical centre. Two more centres would be formed – strategic educational centre and national centre of cyber-security.

In the educational part would be Master’s course and Doctoral course. In December 2013 retraining courses will start, the Master’s program will start from 2016. This year the construction of the second building of the Institute will start.

Category: #01 (968) 10.01.2013 – 16.01.2013, News, Spotlight, Military-Political
