

In the end of the 1st educational stage of 2012, accepting the command of the engineering-sapper regiment, Colonel A.Ghazaryan managed to make positive changes, and as a result the regiment twice was recognized the best.

– Accepting the command, – tells A.Ghazaryan, – I immediately started preparations for the summer-autumn educational stage and inspections of the General Military Inspection. Parallel to this separate sub-units of the regiment continued engineering work in some regions and in the firing-grounds of the RA MoD where very soon the military exercises of CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force were going to start. On September 10th the inspections of the General Military Inspection started. On firing and professional trainigs only two from companies got “satisfactory”, others – “good”.

Category: #01 (968) 10.01.2013 – 16.01.2013, National army, News, Spotlight
