

– The task is being implemented according to the order, observation does not stop. Till this moment no shooting was there from the enemy’s side, everything is fine. There are no soldiers with psychological or health problems, – clarifies platoon commander, Senior Lieutenant Armen Melkonyan. – They are ready to fulfill combat task.

Lt.Colonel S.Poghosyan is very balanced and self-possessed commander, from the supporting point he shows location of enemy.

– Do you know which conditions they have created for their soldiers? – I asked.

– They can’t be compared with ours, they are very unkempt, poorly equipped. On the front line basically serve representatives of national minorities – Talishes, Lezgins, Russians, Ukrainians…, who have no value for them.

– Does tension strengthen during night? – I ask Junior Sergeant N.Hovanisyan.

– Lately, yes. War-veterans, volunteers-yerkrapah (Homeland defenders) carry on service with us. We are very happy, we want them to come. They recall war stories, interesting stories during their battles, and the night passes very quickly.
In the regiment the best among battalions carrying on combat duty is Major Arsen Barseghyan’s battalion.

– All are encouraged with the results and are sure that hard work, consistency, high discipline give their fruits. Among many battalions which fulfill combat duty on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, to be the best it is really honorable and very inspiring.

Photos by GARIK ARMENAKYAN, Captain

Category: #12 (1030) 3.04.2014 – 9.04.2014, National army, News, Spotlight
