

Armenian community of Lebanon is one of the most traditional, most organized Armenian communities. Many centuries Armenians lived on the territory of Lebanon, however big wave of Armenians settled here during the First World War, when thousands of Armenians, fleeing from the Turkish massacre, found refuge in this Arab state.

Interview with Editor of “Azdak” newspaper Shahan Gantaharyan

– First of all I’d mention that there are 7 main communities in Lebanon, both Muslim and Christian. The Armenian community has an active participation in the state and public life of the country. There is no negative attitude towards Armenians, we are treated very respectfully, since our traditional three parties (Dashnak, Hnchak and Ramkavar-Azatakan) jointly made a wise and far-sighted decision: not to get involved in inter-Lebanon conflicts, be politically neutral.

Naturally, it is difficult to preserve national traditions, language in a foreign environment. However, Armenianness is being preserved in the countries of the Middle East, but in those countries where the religion is the same, people find it easier to assimilate.

Preservation of Armenian traditions in Lebanon also promotes joint life, Armenian spirit of the Armenian quarters.

Here Armenians have numerous spiritual, cultural, sports, patriotic and charity organizations, schools. In Lebanon, there are major branches of three Armenian traditional parties, three confessions – Apostolic (in Antilias), Catholic (in Zemmar) and Evangelic (in Beirut). In Lebanon, there is the only university of the Diaspora – Haykazyan.

The community traditionally shows it unity in matters of all-Armenian importance – Genocide recognition, settlement of Karabakh conflict, deepening of Armenia-Diaspora cooperation.

Alice Alaverdyan

Category: #15 (1033) 24.04.2014 – 30.04.2014, Army and Society, Spotlight
