

Once a month honored researchers and university teachers of the republic visit army regiments and give public lectures to servicemen. Among them there are historians, art specialists etc. Lectures are dedicated to the Armenian national-freedom movement, Armenian statehood, Armenian military art, Genocide history, diplomatic relations and Armenian culture.

Soldiers and officers listen with great interest, as evidenced by the lively discussions during lectures. In any case, the lecturers (who represent institutes of the National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan State University, State Pedagogical University after Kh.Abovyan, Matenadaran – Institute of ancient manuscripts and other institutions) put stress on patriotic education, moral qualities.

Armen Karapetyan,
Cand. of historical sciences, Senior researcher, Institute of History, NAS

Category: #15 (1033) 24.04.2014 – 30.04.2014, Army and Society, Spotlight
