

Moral-psychological condition of servicemen is very important if you want to have a combat-efficient army. Psychologist of the Tank regiment under the command of Colonel Zhirayr Poghosyan, Lieutenant Marat Hovanisyan is sure – it is essential for the psychologist to be aware of temper, psychological and personal peculiarities and social conditions of servicemen to be able to prevent or eliminate on the spot and on time the possible unwanted, negative events. The psychologist must work with the soldier from the first day of his arrival at the regiment.

– When the serviceman comes to the regiment, the psychologist gets acquainted with him personally, clarifies what he did before the call-up, are there any problems with the service, gives appropriate advice. In a word, he explores the soldier’s social-psychological condition. All the servicemen are being tested to identify their human features. If the serviceman has some problems, immediately the command is being informed about that. It is important for the recruit that there is a proper psychological attitude towards him from the officer who accompanies him from the registration office to the regiment.

Speaking about directness of relations officer-soldier and friendly spirit, the psychologist gave importance to teaching abilities and experience of the officer, his personal high image.

– There are officers who are good military specialists but they don’t have teaching, pedagogical abilities. In this case it is important that senior and experienced colleagues help young officers with their advice and personal experience.

Photo by G.Armenakyan

Category: #15 (1033) 24.04.2014 – 30.04.2014, National army, Spotlight
