

If Azerbaijan is willing to lose more territories, let it start war

Interview with 1st Deputy Head of RA AF GS Lieutenant General Enriko Apriamov

– What were the main conditions which guaranteed your success?

– Even if you study very well in the military institute, but you become an officer during your service in troops. And your direct commanders make you an officer because you make your first steps under their control, you learn from them.

– Mr.General, when liberation warriors say – if Azerbaijan starts war, we’ll enter Baku – I can understand that. But you are a high-ranking officer, and your self-confidence really inspires me …

– If you have many weapons, yet that is not the guarantee of effective war conduct. From 180 planes which possesses Azerbaijan, today only 80 are in a valid state, the rest is scrap-metal. The same we can say about tanks. Eventually, loads of weapons does not define force of troops. Azerbaijan is arming because of more of propaganda reasons, to lessen fear of its own people and to threaten us. I’d say one thing precisely and unquestioningly – today our army is ready to defend Homeland’s borders and protect our nation’s security.

– What do you consider as the biggest achievement of the army for the last years and the biggest slip-up?

– I consider the biggest achievement establishment of statutory relations and transition to the legislative field of officer-soldier relations.


Category: #16 (1034) 1.05.2014 – 7.05.2014, National army, News, Spotlight
