

The General who is more popularly known with his honorable name Commandos, 22 years ago led the liberation fights of the city of Shoushi. The operation, called «Wedding in the mountains», without hesitation can be attributed to a number of the best combat operations of the Armenian liberation war.

Liberation of Shoushi when our forces, arms were twice less than the enemy’s, broke the back of Azerbaijan, strengthened in Armenians the will to win. The city which gradually lost Armenian population in the last 70 years, again welcomed its real owners, again rang bells of Ghazanchetsots church, life returned to normal, opened land route connecting Artsakh with Armenia.

– By the way, operations plan was approved by the then Artsakh State Defense Committee Chairman Serge Sargsyan, – says the legendary army commander in his speech.

20 years ago we forced the enemy, who rose sword above us, to kneel. Seeing that we are invincible and their adventure could be completed in Baku, they asked Yeltsin, Nazarbayev, leaders of other CIS countries to act as mediators. This day in 1994 with strong inherent nobility we agreed to complete the fighting.

– Do you think that nobility was correct?

– We didn’t start the war, the Azeris didt. Initially we were not ready for war. They started, let them feast on the fruits of bitter war.

If we continue our liberation war, then the national minorities of Azerbaijan (Talishes, Lezgins, Udis, Kurds) would raise the question of self-determination… In a word, Azerbaijan would no longer be a state.

That time Azerbaijan couldn’t achieve its goals, now – as well, and in foreseeable future, too. We believe that Karabakh can never be part of Azerbaijan. Every Armenian is sure about that…


Category: #17 (1035) 8.05.2014 – 14.05.2014, News, Spotlight, Pages of History
