

blitz interview

Before recruiting to the army Aram Torosyan studied at Philosophy & Psychology Department of YSU, worked in the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts – Matenadaran, participated in various international seminars, was the main coordinator in working with museums and libraries in Armenia. Now he is a sergeant, commander of recruits’ preparation division, Chairman of Sergeants Council of the front-line regiment.

– Quality if service will change dramatically if…

– All are recruited to the army regardless of talent, education, profession, father’s position. Army also needs people with Master’s, Ph.D. degree. Can you imagine, if in the army will serve guys with high education, those who got education abroad? That time the army would have intellectual potential.

– During the service it is important…

– To find common ground with colleagues. It is important also that all understand that on this side of the border there are no enemies, no rivals.

– Sergeant must…

– Help, coordinate, especially the recruits that they quickly adapt to the soldier life. The recruit comes to the regiment with subjective perceptions of military life. There was one recruit who could not adapt to the army life, and was very depressed. With the help of individual talks I could change his attitude. I often use my professional skills to understand the person, help him in difficult times.

– The soldier must feel…

– That he is not alone, that if necessary they’ll help him. And in this issue Sergeants Council’s role is very big.


Category: #20 (1038) 29.05.2014 – 4.06.2014, National army, News, Spotlight
