

Today in the bus one woman’s mobile rang. Excitedly she asked the passengers not to make noise: «This is my son, calls from the regiment, 10 days I haven’t talked to him… Please, don’t make noise», – and everybody kept quiet.

«Hello, my son. How are you? How did duty go? You are not hungry?… Yes, just like that, behave like a man. Military service is a man’s job… Listen to the officers, don’t argue with them, Treat them as senior fellow … Your whole life we with your father protected you, and now is your turn to protect us. My son, be careful… You must know, we are waiting for you… Ok, bye, go to sleep… Kisses».

Excitedly she hung up and thanked everybody in the bus.

It was the most amazing display of love. This is how the Armenian mother and Armenian woman loves her sons and her Homeland… Such a woman gifted us the victory in Artsakh, and will gift many more victories to our nation.

Category: #29 (1047) 31.07.2014 – 6.08.2014, National army, News, Spotlight
