

Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan’s address “The army is our home, our fortress, in our fort – with our rules…” from the first to the last word is a sermon to be kind, tolerant, compassionate to the pain of others, and it is addressed to Armenian parents, teacher, person: “I am confident that these problems will be settled down if we’ll be able to wake up in our generation tolerance, kindness, compliance especially to his Armenian compatriot”.

On October 3rd the Defense Ministry invited the best teachers of the republic on the occasion of their professional holiday. Those teachers, whose pupils died heroically in the defense of the country’s borders. Those teachers, whose pupils stood out for their exemplary service in the national army. “The Armenian soldier was given the ability to solve big problems with small forces by the Armenian teacher”, – said Minister Ohanyan.

But at the same time the Minister noted that there are serious problems in the field of interpersonal relations, which is the result of intolerance, lack of compassion, sometimes even inhuman behavior: “There can be no morale without humane treatment, only on the basis of tolerance and friendliness morale, courage and feat can increase”.

Category: #39 (1057) 9.10.2014 – 15.10.2014, Army and Society
