

Recently in one of the units the final stage of the competition of the all-army communications specialists was carried out. This event was provided by the preparation plan of the armed forces, in which all communication units participated.

The purpose of the event is to promote the professional growth of the military, to create an atmosphere of competition, so that all strive to become the best in their field.

According to Colonel Galoyan, there are rules of conducting competition, standards are defined which are approved by the Chief of Signal Corps. The winner was declared the staff, which registered the highest rates.


However, activities promoting professional growth of signalers do not limit with this. In the communication regiment courses are held for communication platoon commanders. Those soldiers who have higher education and who wish to participate in the courses, after graduation will take exams on the specialty and physical training.

If successful, they will be given qualification, they will receive the initial officer rank, get appointment in the units of the armed forces as commander of the communications platoon. It should be noted that only the signalers are involved in these courses.


Category: #47 (1065) 4.12.2014 – 10.12.2014, National army, News, Spotlight
