

Probably not many people know that in 2014 was the 100th anniversary of Hero of the Soviet Union Hounan Avetisyan. It would be natural if the press and cultural advocacy organizations have used this date to remember once again our hero compatriot, glorify our people who give birth to heroes and give lessons of courage and patriotism to the younger generation.

In this connection the Ministry of Defense organized functions headed by Defense Minister’s Advisor, Lt. General Mouraz Sargsyan.

– In Novorosysk “Patriotic War monuments recovery fund after Hounan Avetisyan” has been formed, chaired by Edward Kazarian, I am the head of the Armenian branch of the Fund. We have to remember heroic pages of our history, our glorious compatriots. They are the glory of our nation and the national pride of every Armenian. I am confident that in this area we have a big gap, we forget our great people. Other nations invent a hero, come up with heroic stories to enhance the national spirit…

In the village Tzav on the financial support of Hrachya Poghosyan and the Fund a monument to Hounan Avetisyan was erected, his bust was put in the school, one of the classes was named by the name of Hounan Avetisyan and was equipped, it was intended that in the birthplace of the hero his spiritual presence will be more significant. Hounan Avetisyan’s bust will have his honorary place also in the school of Lukashin village of Armavir, which is named after him. Both students and teachers of the school enthusiastically accepted our gift. In the villages Tzav and Lukashin Hounan Avetisyan’s grandson and great-grandson attended the festive event. His great-grandson is now serving in the army, he is a soldier.

To another Hero of the Soviet Union – Suren Arakelyan a beautiful monument is put in the village Kurbaysk. We went there and paid tribute to the hero. Our visit turned into a real holiday. We were accepted with honor as compatriots of the heroes who died for the Russian land. There is also a museum of Suren Arakelyan in the village. He repeated Hounan Avetisyan’s feat, covering enemy’s fire by his chest and opening the way of life for his comrades.

I visited also village Gath in Tuapseh where 10 thousand soldiers of the 408-th Armenian division were killed.

Soviet Union Hero Hrant Avagyan is from Qarintak village, he lived in Baku, now lives in Krasnodar. This year he turned 90. We visited him, I handed him Defense Minister’s congratulation and his gift.

Gayaneh Poghosyan

Category: #48 (1066) 11.12.2014 – 17.12.2014, Spotlight, Pages of History
