

In our memory is still fresh American political analyst and former (?) CIA officer Paul Goble’s notorious plan which made a lot of noise, anti-Armenian and pro-Azerbaijani essence of which was understandable even for people very far from politics. It is about the generally known plan on the exchange of territories, according to which the Armenians had to surrender Meghri and in return receive part of Artsakh.

And so, after a long pause, he spoke again. At this time, the voice of Paul Goble comes from Azerbaijan, where he takes a high position in the Diplomatic Academy of the country.

In an article entitled “Who is behind the Talyshistan National Television?” which he recently published on the website of the fund “Jimstown”, the political analyst at rather shaky arguments concludes that TMV television has been created by Russia and is controlled by that country.

In response to Paul Goble, the TMV says: “Paul Goble is of the opinion that the Talysh could not cooperate with the Armenians and Persians, as they are the interested parties, but with Russia allegedly is possible and necessary. He can not even imagine that the Talysh with their mental capabilities today are as good as Persians, Armenians, and even Russians.

Why Mr.Goble thinks that we, Talysh can’t create at least one TV-channel, when the Kurds have more than 10 satellite TV-channels?

Is he not aware that the contribution of the Talysh people in cultural and scientific fields in Azerbaijan is more than of Azerbaijan Turks?

Mr. Goble, as a known political scientist and expert on national issues, was well aware that everything that has so far been created in an artificial country with artificial name Azerbaijan – is the result of efforts of living there indigenous people – Talysh, Armenians, Tats, Cherkezes, Lezgins, Avars, but not by the Turks who came and took our land.

So, TMV is a Talysh project, purely Talysh idea. And this is just the beginning. And not far off is the day when our national TV channel will broadcast from Lenkoran, Talyshistan capital.”

Professor Garnik Asatryan: “Regarding Iran I have nothing to say, but on our part I can say. CIA employee Goble is a master of turning ethnic problems in the post-Soviet territory to separatist movements.

Let me remind you that he is the author of a plan of revitalization of Finno-Ugrian ethnic element in Russia and resuscitation of Cherkez issue. Based on my personal experience, it seems initially he ruled out any role of Armenia in such projects of regional importance, which requires enormous mental and physical resources.”

Ptrepared by G.ASATRYAN

Category: #49 (1067) 18.12.2014 – 24.12.2014, News, Spotlight, Region
