

Zohrab Yeganyan on his FB-page wrote about small feat of ordinary soldier who serves in Artsakh.

“Yesterday we met with the commander of the border military unit, and he told us an interesting case that expresses morale in today’s Army.

In early August, when the Azeris carried out the first acts of sabotage and we got our first loss, one soldier of the military unit N had to go on a 10-day vacation. His family members were already waiting for him. However, in the morning the soldier came to the commander and refused to leave, saying that “at this moment I can not leave the guys and go to a safe place”.

P.S. This is a very touching story, and not the only one in the army of defense”.

We have this little story published on FB-page of our newspaper. And it immediately won many warm responses.

Alice Soghomonyan – “Like goosebumps. Save thee, and all the soldiers”, Gayaneh Nersisyan – “It’s good that our soldiers are so agree, so compassionate to one another. Well done!”, Hayk Saroukhanyan – “Yes! So should think every soldier… I had no doubt, well done!”, Sofya Alulyan – “Thank God that we have such guys”, Aida Petrosyan – “What good guys we sent in the army, loyal to the homeland.”

This material was seen 9784 times, it has 350 likes, 17 shares.

Category: #01 (1070) 14.01.2015 – 21.01.2015, National army, Army and Society, News, Spotlight
