

Below Hayzinvor readers could find an excerpt from a recent interview of the leader of the “Revival Movement of Talyshistan” Fahraddin Aboszoda with journalist Rustam Iskandari.

– In my interview with the National Television of Talyshistan, and in some of other interviews called NTT a new stage in the struggle of the Talysh National Movement for independence of Talyshistan. Four months after the beginning of the broadcasting, I can add one thing: NTT is also a new stage in the struggle of all the indigenous peoples of Transcaucasia for independence! Because the NTT is a role model event also in terms of the consolidation of all the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus in their struggle. Talysh National Movement, since 2003, has actively been working towards unification of these peoples. We have repeatedly written about this, and appealed to the leaders of all these nations through mass media to unite in a common front. For us, it was always clear that only together we can achieve freedom. Armenian people of Karabakh, having gained its independence already, has launched major regional projects to support the struggle of other friendly peoples of the region. This is more than an important and laudable initiative.

We are realistic people, and so never engaged in self-deception and deceiving our own people. We know that even today some of the Talysh, for a variety of reasons (fear of reprisals by the authorities of Azerbaijan, misunderstanding o the goals and objectives of the Talish Natl Movement, lack of education, lack of knowledge of political processes’ essence, etc.) are not enthusiastic about NTT broadcasting from Yerevan. To this we must add also the huge work done by the secret services of Azerbaijan among the Talysh. But the good news is that every day, and, under the direct influence of the same NTT programs broadcasted, the number of his detractors is rapidly decreasing.

I would like to say a few words about the NTT creative team and its “main character” Zabil Madozh. Today he is a real hero and a fighter of his people! Nevertheless, he is not a random person in the case. Back in 2002, we, along with some of our peers, including Mr Madozh, started publishing of a “Tolish” newspaper in St. Petersburg. It is also a truly national poet of Talysh, Talysh language unique connoisseur. The Talysh know him also due to his work at the “ZabylTV”. Thus, his participation in the organization and operation of the NTT is a quite natural and very commendable thing. At the NTT he has been doing work very useful work for our Movement and our people as well. As for the other members of the team, they are not random people at the NTT as well.

Here works great close-knit creative team, having the newest technical means. The team does not just sit in the studio and read prepared text. The shooting took place in various places, from the nature to cozy home and even mosques. In those programs you could find everything: the beauty of Talysh nature, our forests and rivers, daily routine life of ordinary Talysh etc. All that penetrates deep into the previously hidden layers of the Talysh national consciousness, raising in each of our fellows love towards their country and the people, its language, history and culture.
While “street ladies” from the screens of the Azerbaijani television have been publicly insulting the Talysh, their language, at the Yerevan State University Faculty of Oriental Studies, thanks to titanic efforts of our friend Professor Garnik Asatryan, has successfully been operating Department of the Talish Studies where students today speak Talysh so well! Every Talysh should appreciate it and be thankful for all this young Armenians for their love of the Talysh people and their language!
NTT has regional and spiritual significance. After all, we are fighting for justice for our people which is one of the unique creations of the All-Mighty, is a subject of unprecedented pressure from the authorities, and I would say, in general, the entire state, referred to as “Azerbaijani Republic”, and do everything to wipe out our people from the Earth.
It’s not a secret that over the last quarter century the national cause in Azerbaijan is linked to the Karabakh conflict which, impotrantly, was caused by the same desire of our neighboring Artsakh people to save themselves from the similar intentions authorities of the Azerbaijan to destroy it. Looking to the treatment of the Azerbaijani authorities towards the Talysh, – “their own”, i.e. the Muslim people, it is easy to imagine what they would do with the “non-Muslims” – Armenians of Artsakh’s after the crumbling of the Soviet Union if they agreed to remain a part of Azerbaijan.

Crushing defeat of the Azerbaijan regime in the war against the fair struggle of Karabakh Armenians led to two major consequences: first, in Azerbaijan they’ve realized that one can not win a people who is ready to sacrifice the life in the name of freedom. Second, if you watch closely what they do to suppress the independence desire of theTalysh people, you come to conclusion that, most probably, the authorities of Azerbaijan came to the firm conviction that if they can not win a people in war, one must carry out a quiet, “white” genocide, thereby eliminating it before they’d take the arms!

In addition to the murder of the prominent Talysh, permanent repressions and persecutions against activists and leaders of the Talysh National Movement, the government of Azerbaijan has chosen the way of the Talysh moral and spiritual suppression. And for this they have actively been using the factor of Karabakh Armenians as alleged “enemies of the Muslims.” I regret very much to note that, in this regard, they have reached some success. This also applies to participation (of course, not always voluntary!) of theTalysh guys in the war against Artsakh (Karabakh) and attracting some of the Talysh to propaganda against the Armenians in general. In this sense, the National Television of Talyshistan plays an invaluable role in improving the situation.
I am also pleased to note that the NTT which is aired from Armenia became a herald of the aspirations and dreams of all the indigenous peoples of the region and a strong signal to unite the efforts of all these nations against the common evil!

Category: #08 (1077) 5.03.2015 – 11.03.2015, News, Spotlight, Region
