

She is demanding, opinionated, rarely smiles, but very friendly. I listen to her lesson: German language, which is considered a stale language, from her mouth sounds very melodic… Astghik Harutyunyan teaches at the Military-sports Lyceum after Monteh Melkonyan. She is the winner of the competition “The best teacher of the year”. The young teacher is recognized the first in the category of the same competition “For the preservation and transmission of national traditions”.

– I am inherently – teacher. 3 years I teach at the Lyceum. From the first day I had to convince the guys that the German language is not a minor subject. And I succeeded. All my students have an opinion, a position on any issue that I really like. The teacher must be creative, not boring to students, must work up a sweat. The first enemy of today’s teacher is the conceit – “I know everything”. Teaching and education can not be divided, it is one. We should be able to assess the honest, good, fair, hardworking person, that is very important. I want the teacher had high prestige in society, to be respected, I want to come to school not those who do not understand, do not appreciate the honor of the educational institution.

The other day, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan received teacher of German language of the Military-sports Lyceum after Monteh Melkonyan – Astghik Harutyunyan. Congratulating and thanking her for the diligent work, for the education of students in the patriotic spirit, the minister encouraged the teacher a valuable gift.


Category: #08 (1077) 5.03.2015 – 11.03.2015, National army, Army and Society, News, Spotlight
