

Interview with Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Ruben Safrastyan

– There are three important points about the decision of the Turkish government to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli on April 24th. Firstly, it is immoral. This year, when April 24 receives a large value, the Turks are turning to the hype, because this battle took place on March 18.

Second – everyone knows that April 24 is the Day of remembrance of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. And the Turks, moving their lies for April 24, invited heads of state to participate in anti-Armenian event.

Third – I hope that the leaders of developed countries realize what choice to make. They either have to go to Tsitsernakaberd and pay tribute to 1.5 mln innocent victims, or to become a participant of the Turkish provocations. This will be a moral choice.

Judging by the publications in the media, I can say that the important countries for us – France and Russia – will be presented at Presidential level. There are also reports that representatives of the Royal family of Great Britain, as well as Australia and New Zealand will go to Turkey, what I consider immoral.

Going back to the Battle of Gallipoli and the fact of participation of the Armenians there, I would say that very few Armenians participated in it, because most of the Armenian men of the Ottoman army had already disarmed and killed. Genocide began with the destruction of Armenian soldiers and officers.

In one of my works I’ve noted 10 items developed by the Ottoman Empire, from which was to begin the planned genocide against the Armenians. And the eighth paragraph is talking about the murder of Armenians conscripted. The participant in the Battle of Gallipoli Sargis Torosian was one of the very few soldiers who have not been killed. But then his family members became victims of the genocide, too.

Now many are worried with the following question: whether Turkey is trying to involve in its provocations also Azerbaijan and create tension in the contact line. It is very possible. Everything can be expected from them. We must always be vigilant, especially on April 24 and its previous days.


Category: #14 (1083) 16.04.2015 – 22.04.2015, News, Spotlight, Pages of History
