

Interview with head of the Armenian Armed Forces logistics, Colonel N.Yolchyan.

– Those soldiers who are included in the permanent combat duty, are provided with uniforms every 6 months, the other soldiers – every 8 months. In addition, at high altitudes (2500-3500m above sea level) the servicemen are given shoes every 6 months, winter uniform changes every year, because 10 months of 12 there is a necessity of warm uniform.

– And what do you say to that uniform quickly wears out?

– This is bad, if the form does not wear out. The fact is that people are used to wash the uniform as a shirt. No any uniform of the world can survive if it washed once a week. According to our current rules it is provided to wash uniform once a month. Also, you need to wash with a special soap that we provide and which is made of pure fat, not washing powder of unknown origin. Before sewing uniform, cloth undergoes appropriate laboratory examination. The fabric of our form is of the highest standards.

Today, the performing combat duty personnel, we have provided with mobile field baths on the basis of ZIL-131. Now the soldiers carrying out combat duty can bathe once a week. This I believe notable progress since 23 years alerting soldiers had been deprived of such possibilities.

As for T-shirts and underpants, then we give the soldier disposable pants, i.e. once a week, and as in all armies of the world for 8 months are given two shirts. 2 pairs of socks are given in the month, we just give 8 pairs.

The range of food has undergone a marked improvement. If the load of a performing combat preparation is physical, than the person on combat duty carries a psychological burden. And as a rule, during psychological stress people feel the need for sweet.

As for service, we often visit the front line, place of combat duty, and we noticed that the soldiers take with themselves to positions caramel, jam, cookies, etc. Seeing this, we realized that this issue, too, must be given a decision. And since March of this year in the ration of the soldiers who are included in the alert, are added caramel 30g, 60g biscuits, 30g jam, 6gr coffee, which is enough for soldiers to drink coffee three times a day.

From the 1st of October until the end of April, we are giving all military personnel on the day 20g jam with a high content of vitamin C, with this also trying to take preventive measures, to prevent acute respiratory disease. Now we give for dinner meat without bones. We have also added beans, green peas in tomato sauce. And from May dry herbs will be added to lunches. Why is dry rather than fresh herbs, because it is easier to store.

To servicemen of alert duty we also give marinade, and in the summer will provide tomatoes in their own juice. We also plan to add fresh tomatoes and cucumbers in the corresponding season.


Category: #21(1090) 4.06.2015 – 10.06.2015, National army, News, Spotlight
