

On July 16, Defense Minister made a surprise visit to the Central assembly point for the purpose of familiarization with the call-up on the spot.

He first talked with the parents, who were waiting at the entrance and said that everyone understands the need for a fair call-up. One of the parents said that if the process is under the direct control of the minister, it already inspires confidence.

Parents expressed their satisfaction with the fact that prevention injections are given for 2-3 months prior to the call-up.

Then the minister went into the room of the draw. In the presence of parents, he gave the new recruits his advice: listen to parents, as soon as possible get familiarized with the service, follow the instructions of the commanders. “Every soldier for the Army Command is an individual on whom is the combat capability of the Army,” said Ohanyan.

To defend the country at the highest level, the Ministry also attaches importance to the fact-finding visits of soldiers to historical and cultural sites.

Shoushan Stepanyan

Category: #28 (1097) 23.07.2015 – 29.07.2015, National army, Spotlight
