

As is already known, as a result of a preliminary agreement between the US and Iran, the Iranian side refused to produce nuclear weapons in return for the lifting of sanctions. This is very important for Armenia because Iran is our immediate neighbor, and moreover, we are connected with traditionally friendly and mutually beneficial relations.

Already steps are being taken towards the development of trade and economic cooperation, implementation of joint energy and transport projects. A memorandum on construction of Meghri hydroelectric power station and the memorandum of understanding of the 12th joint meeting of the Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission are signed where all the spheres of economy are included: energy, trade, banking, ecology, health, culture etc. Only with a project of construction of the third high-voltage line will create the conditions to bring the capacity of the power lines from 350 MW up to 1200. Construction was to begin in May 2015 and be completed within 18 months, which will enable the supply of electricity from the Republic of Armenia to Iran of 1 billion 200 million kW bring to 7 billion kW / h.

Armenia becomes a corridor for the export of Iranian fuel. There is no doubt that it is in the interests of Iran to have closer relations with Armenia, as for this country the opportunity is created to export on favorable terms. By the way, we have long been prepared feasibility studies for the project of construction of Iran-Armenia railway, however, there is not yet clear possible likely start of construction works.

Due to the release of the sanctions, Iran will enter the international energy market, which will lead to a significant increase of its role in the region.

Hamlet Zakaryan
Doctor of economic studies, professor

Category: #30 (1099) 6.08.2015 – 12.08.2015, Spotlight, Region
