From August 7 to 8, RA Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan, along with Deputy Chief of RA GS AF Lieutenant-General Haykaz Baghmanyan, 3rd Army Corps Commander Major-General Onik Gasparyan, and other high-ranking military officers, toured the northeastern section of the border.
In the border military units, the Minister of Defence observed the service organization, the combat readiness of servicemen, social and living conditions, as well as construction activities. The state of the military units’ canteens, sanitary conditions, the soldiers’ food quality and portions were also verified.
Defence Minister Seyran Ohanyan also visited the frontlines, examined the reliability of fortifications and engineering structures, verified the knowledge of duties of servicemen sentineled at the frontline, and toured the trenches. Seyran Ohanyan awarded servicemen who distinguished themselves through their diligent performance of tasks with gifts.
Within one of the military units of the army corps, the Defence Minister spoke with the new recruits. Seyran Ohanyan greeted them and wished them a peaceful service, stressed the importance of the military service in terms of its duty towards the Motherland, as well as the moral values it engenders.
During the regular visit, the Minister also met with a number of community leaders and residents living next to the frontier. Mr. Ohanyan acquainted himself with their problems and concerns and, thereby, assured them that the national border’s protection is in safe hands and that everything is being done to ensure the residents’ security.