

Interview with the military commissar of Goris, Colonel Melikset Pogosyan

Over the past 8 years, the military enlistment office of Goris under Colonel Melikset Pogosyan, among second-class military offices 3 times was considered the best in the country, and once – the best in the whole republic. Colonel Pogosyan during the Artsakh war was the commander of the famous detachment “Melik Barkhudar”, armored military unit and then the brigade of the village Tegh…

– I rule out the presence in our area at least one inductee, deviating from the call-up through the fictional disease or punishable acts. Goris city and 24 villages in the district during the call-up are united in one fist…

Generally Syunik region, and in particular Goris region, during the call-up stood constantly with high efficiency. Over the years of my leadership we had no cases of deviation from the call-up, the population always had a great respect and responsibility to the call-up.

The sacred duty of each is to help the homeland. If there is war or unrest on the border, we all have to go into the army. All people must go, and we’ll win. Let no one think that may deviate from the call-up. You are the citizen of this country, and must realize that your country’s security just depends on you. You have to think: I am there – there is ARMENIA, no me – no homeland! Without a strong army no one will respect us. The weak do not choose friends and do not reckon with them.

Today, when I see off recruits to the army, I tell them: you go to a victorious army, so your morale should be stable, you should go with a smile. And Azerbaijani conscript knows that he is in the defeated army, and his psychology is quite different.

Why, say, my patriotism and sense of duty should be reduced? What I have been, I’ll remain so…

Samvel Harutyunyan

Category: #32 (1101) 20.08.2015 – 26.08.2015, Army and Society, Spotlight
