

Interview with Head of the Military Medicine Faculty of Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, doctor, professor, Colonel Samvel Galstyan.

– This year there were 92 applicants to the faculty, 30 were admitted, of which 70% received 36 or more points, two got 39,25. That’s pretty good result and talks about that the best high school graduates come to the Military Medical Faculty. And it also suggests that for them the main thing is not the free education but the desire to become a military doctor.

Now we have decided to give the rank of lieutenant only after the internship to have no cases of deviation from military service. And if you do not pass the exams of internship, you will be called up for compulsory military service.

This year, 8 students were enrolled in the Medical University commissioned by MoD. After completing the university, 5 years they will serve in the army, and then if they want, they’ll continue to serve in the Ministry of Defense hospitals or demobilize. This makes it possible to replace the military doctors serving on the front lines, so they will not stay for years in the military units but transfer from narrow professional activities to general medical practice.

Recently the exam on physical education was removed from the list of entrance examinations. Instead, our pre-applicants undergo a medical examination, and if they are healthy and fit for the service, then as a military doctor may perform their official obligations.

To reduce the risk of corruption certification is made through computer. The student selects a computer on the draw, opens it, reads the question and answers, and all these can be seen on the monitor.

I have 30 years of teaching experience, I am one of the founders of the Military Medical Faculty, I’m also the member of the Council of “Armenian Association of medical doctors.”

We are trying to expand also international ties. Already there is a program to admit students from Malaysia, the Arab countries, India, and send our students there for training.


Category: #34 (1103) 3.09.2015 – 9.09.2015, Army and Society, News, Spotlight, Military
