

Assyrians are from our territories, their nose is like our nose, eyes – like our eyes, heart – like our heart. They have a different language, when they talk, we do not understand, but still, we are very much alike.
William Saroyan

Today, only form the village of Upper Dvin 30 young Assyrians serve in the Armenian army, serve with honor and devotion. After all, for them Armenia is a place of birth, a second home.

The Assyrians among the population of Armenia are ranked third among ethnic minorities, after the Yezidis and Russians. In Armenia there are Assyrian communities in Dvin, Arzni, Dimitrov New Artagers.

The biggest Assyrian community is in Northern Iraq. There are communities also in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey.

The first migration of Assyrians to Armenia is registered on 1805-1808 when 20 Assyrian families moved to Armenia from Mamdsan settlement in Turkey and settled in the settlement Gelaysor (present territory of Khosrov Forest). The second migration was during the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, on Turkmenchay treaty.


In the Upper Dvin the largest Assyrian community in Armenia is concentrated. The head of the community is Lyudmila Petrova.

– The fate of Assyrians and Armenians is alike, – she says. – We, like the Armenians lost our homeland, were subjected to genocide, and spread around the world. We have a lot in common with the Armenians – a glorious history, ancient culture, traditions, self-esteem, etc. We consider Armenia our homeland. We’re living a full life, we have a school, a cultural center, church Tumas March, which was built in 1828. During the Artsakh war, many Assyrians took up arms, stood side by side with the Armenians, and fought against the common enemy. And today, our young guys do not hesitate to go to the military service.

I wish the Armenian land peace, and all the soldiers of the homeland, regardless of nationality and religion, good service – Katyokhen jens ay sluzhba, soldier!


Category: #37 (1106) 24.09.2015 - 30.09.2015, Army and Society, News, Spotlight
