

Interview with commander of the rocket-artillery military unit, Colonel Albert Baghdasaryan.

Over the years in the military unit of Colonel Baghdasaryan no serious incidents have been registered. He worked with a complex contingent, and during this time in parallel formed a team of officers. And today, his military unit is one of the best both in combat training, and interpersonal relationships.

– The most important thing is to be informed that in the newly minted team is only possible by working 24 hours and implementing vigilant monitoring. The military leader must know what is happening in every corner of the structure headed by him. If there is a conflict between the military, the commander must understand it, listen to all sides, punish those responsible. In every man there is something good. It is necessary to help a person to become good. Our Minister has a very good saying: rather than to educate the other, educate yourself, and all the others will be educated by your example. It may not sound pompous, but I am the center, the core of the military unit. The face of the military is my face!

I remembered one of my commanders, Lieutenant Colonel Chebotaryov. When he was coming out in the front of the army, I was blissfully happy, received aesthetic pleasure from his appearance, his speeches. He was a good speaker. When he spoke about the homeland, then you just were becoming a hero. Within 5 minutes of his speech, he could change your mind. I dreamed of one day to stand in front of the army, as he did.

When you stand before the army, as if your soul is bare and you should not be ashamed of this nakedness. My army stands on the background of Masis mountain. Sometimes I order them to turn towards Masis and watch. And… feel. And to understand what a pain it is and what a shame to give up your land to another, and how important is the soldier for the motherland. I know of no more powerful means of awakening patriotism.

One of my soldiers said to his parents: our commander is a real man!


Category: #44 (1113) 12.11.2015 - 18.11.2015, National army, News, Spotlight
