

From the earliest days of formation of the Armenian National Army a serious attention is paid to the formation of the medical service in the army.

In the early 1990s, during the liberation war, many civil hospitals in Artsakh and Armenia turned into hospitals. In Yerevan Children’s Hospital on the Muratsan street a special section was allocated for receiving and treating the wounded during the fighting operations. Subsequently, this hospital became a military medical institution number one in our country – Central Military Hospital of the RA Defense Ministry.

– Both the Government of Armenia, Ministry of Defence, and philanthropists-Diaspora Armenians do everything, to bring to international standards the conditions of the hospital building and equip it with the latest equipment. Today, in addition to purely military treatment of diseases (wounds, injuries, therapeutic and neurological problems, etc.), in the hospital there are also upscale orthopedic, dental, gynecological, maxillofacial and other offices, laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment, there is a diagnostic department, surgery ward. The new, modern equipment makes it possible to do neurosurgery endoscopic surgery of spine, bone marrow and brain, which is the only in the region. Substitution of the joints with metal structures is also a modern method that is already available for our patients.

Given that a significant number of army are female military personnel, as well as representatives of the fair sex in the families of military personnel, a gynecology department is created in the hospital, the head of which is a young professional, senior lieutenant m / s Armen Yendinyan. Although it is not yet a year he heads this department, but he has the reputation for high quality expert and caring doctor.

Doctor Yendinyan was born in 1976. Graduated from the Medical faculty of Yerevan State Medical University, he took his traineeship at the hospital of Burdenko of the Russian Federation.

About him they say: – He has golden hands!

Congratulations to all military medical personnel on the occasion of their professional holiday and wish robust health, happiness and victory in the fight against diseases and injuries.

Continue with the same willingness and dedication to serve to soldier, that also means – to the Motherland!


Category: #44 (1113) 12.11.2015 - 18.11.2015, National army, News, Spotlight
