

NATIONAL TELEVISION OF TALYSHISTAN - THE MAIN THREAT TO THE SECURITY OF AZERBAIJANThe main threat to the security of Azerbaijan is the National Television of Talyshistan (NTT), said former employee of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan, prominent political analyst, security expert Ilham Ismayil.

Speaking on the “Aktual” program of Azerbaijani TV channel “Kanal13”, he expressed the opinion that NTT was established by Armenia and Russia and that it is clearly visible from the Russian orientation of the TV channel.

According to the analyst, to deal with NTT, there are two approaches: legal and on security services level.

– On the legal level, – offers Ismayil – you need to appeal to the Russian government with the demand, either to close the TV, or to change its policies. Special services, within their means, must actively counteract the activities of NTT.

He even proposes to use the factor of relatives and friends of the leaders and staff of of the TV who live in Azerbaijan.

In the context of this plan should be considered, for example, Talysh Internet TV channel HIRKON TV, created a few months ago by some Talysh businessman Mehdibey Safarov, which apparently is an initiative of Azerbaijani special services. Until now three 45-minute programs were aired.

Bad experience to create an alternative channel to NTT can be considered a failure. On the same level we can consider the recent “statement” against NTT of some Talysh activists through the Internet, which is accused of trying to create an independent Talyshistan and to disintegrate Azerbaijan. Such a statement was also made by the above-mentioned Mehdibey Safarov.

Given such a radical approach to the NTT it can be stated that the Azerbaijani authorities are really terrified of growing Talysh factor and are trying to find ways to combat it.

Category: #12 (1132) 06.04.2016 - 12.04.2016, News, Spotlight, Region
