

I SHOT!We’re going to the village Bartsrashen, where Narek grew up, who hit a helicopter with a grenade.

In the spacious living room gathered friends, neighbors, teachers, relatives of Narek. There was also his younger brother, 9-year-old Mher, who says: “When I go to the army, I will bring down both a tank and a helicopter.”

– His father told him – you’ll be a good scout, – says Narek’s mother, Angela. – It was impossible to hide anything from him, he could find everything. He always wanted to do something different, to stand out among others. He is bold, confident, never depressed.

– Narek is a type of winner, – says his childhood friend Gevorg. – He will not rest until fulfills all his dreams. I remember how he was actively engaged in boxing. And when his cousin Karen Avagyan became the champion, he was so happy! He said – we are small in numbers, so every Armenian should be a champion.

– Narek said – until you stand in the trenches, you do not understand the price of land, – says his nephew Gegham. – He has put his heart and soul in the military service.

I SHOT!– If he had no grenade, he would have hit with a stone, – says Narek’s teacher Jemma Hakobyan. – He would take a hit, would not have gone into hiding.

– With his heroism Narek made better all of us, the villagers, – says neighbor, Nuneh Babayan.

The Ministry of Defence has encouraged Narek with vehicle “Niva”.


Gayaneh Poghosyan

Category: #15 (1135) 27.04.2016 - 03.05.2016, National army
