

WE MUST WIN!“Remember us just as we were. And if something does happen, do not cry,”- this is the last SMS of Victor Yuzikhovich to his father. He was one of those heroes who died in the April war.

Victor was a boxer, won numerous medals, participated in international competitions. His grandfather was a Ukrainian, and grandmother – Armenian. And he loved the Armenian land. He wanted to continue to serve and become a scout. But…

Unfinished task of Victor Yuzikhovich and his companions is ready to continue high-ranking officer serving in one of the units of the Armenian Armed Forces, Major Sergey Timchenko. He has no Armenian roots, but he is completely devoted to Armenia. Mayor Sergey Timchenko was born in 1980 in Yerevan. Since 1997 he serves in the RA Armed Forces. He got education at the Military Institute after Vazgen Sargsyan. He is married and has two daughters and one son.

– When Armenia is in danger, our minorities as one should stand next to the state, – said Major Timchenko. – because we feel the caring attitude of the state to the other nations. Armenia is also our homeland. And we have to defend our homeland, as an Armenian. I would like to note that during these 4 days of the war, our people showed great patriotism and unity, both in the rear, and on the front. And definitely because of this the enemy is silent. I wish our soldiers health and courage.

We will win!



Category: #17 (1137) 11.05.2016 - 17.05.2016, National army, News
