

ARMENIAN GIANT SETS NEW GUINESS RECORDArmenian giant Narek Yeganyan became the first in the world to lift the heaviest tank in the world. He set a new Gunnies record by moving the 44 ton and 850kg tank for 1.55 meters.

The Guinness Book of Records certificate has not arrived yet, but it has been already confirmed in the Titans’ Book. Narek Yeganyan dedicated this victory and his record to Robert Abajyan and other heroes killed during the April four-day events. “I really wanted to dedicate one of my records to the memory of our heroes. That morning, when I had to pull the tank, I read on the internet that it was Robert Abajyan’s birthday, I thought it was God’s will, and I decided to dedicate my victory to Abajyan … ”

ARMENIAN GIANT SETS NEW GUINESS RECORDThis is his third achievement in a single year. The name of this Vanadzor native was first heard when he moved a locomotive, surpassing the record set by Russian Ivan Savkin. “I just set a goal and achieve it. For the first time, I pulled the tow truck with two carriages weighing 167 tons. I moved the locomotive for 2 meters and set a world record. ”


Category: #47 (1318) 4.12.2019 - 10.12.2019, Sport, Spotlight
