

On October 19 the training assembly of reservists was over, which started on the 1st of April. Assembly conducts for the first time according to the “RA Law on Military Duty” and order confirmed by RA Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan early this year.

Assemblies lasted from 3 to 10 days subject to their nature. According to Colonel G.Goulyan, Deputy Head of RA AF GS Organization-Mobilization Department, the first assembly was conducted with reservist sappers of Engineers Corps, and the last – with Air Defense specialists.

During the assemblies military specialists by the age of 45 reported to the territorial Military Registration Offices, got uniform. They were instructed and given special assignments according to their rank and position. Air defense specialists’ assembly was conducted in the AD regiments training base. This arm’s defense technology was also used.

“On the basis of this year’s assemblies experience next year we intend to increase the number of reservists who are included in the process of training”, – told Colonel Goulyan.

Arsen Aghekyan

Category: #41 (906) 20.10.2011 – 26.10.2011, National army, News
