

From October 1-9 the group of Armenian servicemen took part in the 8th Sports Contest of CIS countries Armed Forces in Saint Petersburg. Groups from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine also participated in the Contest. Azerbaijan refused from participation due to the lack of finances.

Consisting from only 8 members the Armenian delegation won 3 medals – 2 golden and 1 silver.
Contest participant, student of RA MOD Military Institute after V.Sargsyan Romick Vardumyan shooting targets from ПM3 pistol, collected 284 points and won a gold medal. The second gold medal won runner Aram Davtyan, another student from the Military Institute. He overcame 100m distance in 11,01 seconds. Student Armen Minasyan scored 277 from AK74 machinegun fire showing the result of a master of sports candidate. He got the second place and won silver medal.

“Our competitors were surprised that such a small group could win three medals. For comparison: the groups from Kazakhstan and Belarus could win only one golden medal each although their groups numbered 60 sportsmen. 11 golden medals won the servicemen from Russia. Unlike us there is a Military Institute of Physical Training in Russia, and 73 students from that Institute participated in the Sports Contest”, – told head of the Armenian delegation Lieutenant Colonel A.Grigoryan.

Shoushan Stepanyan

Category: #41 (906) 20.10.2011 – 26.10.2011, National army, News, Spotlight
