

"I KEEP THE BACK OF THE TEAM"Speaking about the military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan in Tavush, the victorious counterattack of the Armenian servicemen, the work of the army’s rear services was also stressed. The soldiers received the highest quality and rich food, was provided with all the necessary items, clothes, modern equipment during the fighting, and before that. The rear service of the army is staffed with specialists with relevant civilian education, as well as personnel graduated from military universities. Garik Matinyan, a 5th year cadet at the Volsk Logistics Military Institute, is a future officer of the Army.


-Q: Garik, let’s start our conversation with the question, why did you decide to become a military man, a rear serviceman?

A: My intention to become a soldier was born during my school years, and I decided to study at the Volsk Military Institute after graduating from the Monte Melkonyan Military College. It is very possible that parents do not suppress the child’s preferences and natural inclinations with unnecessary guidance, allow them to be revealed. It is very possible for a person to choose a profession that suits his inner world. I love football.

Q: But you will be a military man…

A: I like team play, team work. When everyone is in the same uniform and cooperating, each one doing his job, complementing each other, they are moving towards the goal. The football team is one of the most beautiful structures in the world. When that structure begins to move as a unity of individuals, it becomes perfect.

Q: Are you a defender or a striker in the team?

A: I am a goalkeeper. I do not take part in the attacks, I am behind, but I have a significant role, I am a key player.

Q: And what is the role of the leader, what should the team leader do?

A: A leader must create such an atmosphere, such an environment that all team members can be strong, discover their full potential, and work collaboratively and purposefully.

Q: I have always thought that the uniform oppresses a person’s personality.

A: The uniform makes you be as bright as possible. I am inspired by people in uniform, such as the military. The uniform symbolizes the idea of ​​us, the combined force.

109 people were admitted to the Monte Melkonyan Military College and 69 graduated. Others dropped out of school for various reasons. Who could not stand the regime, who realized that he was wrong in the matter of choice … And I was convinced from the very first day that I had found my world. I liked the regime, the discipline, the physical activity. In college you are constantly overcoming difficulties, you are constantly checking yourself …

Q: Were you a team?

A: At first, no. But a year later we became a team. I am peace-loving, calm, even shy. I do not like to be the center of attention, but I always strive for the maximum. I am a unique leader, around whom I unite, who is believed and trusted over time.

Q: What is unique there?

A: Leaders usually win fast. They are charismatic, resourceful, energetic, good orators, their success depends on the effects. Mine is quite the opposite. My advantage is that I make the group a team.

Q: Team, yes team … What is its definition?

A: The team is a unit where everyone works in harmony, everyone complements each other to the best of their ability, everyone serves a purpose, like a mechanism. At school, we became a team when we had common ideas, values ​​and goals. After that, we helped each other to overcome difficulties, thinking not of personal achievements, but of joint success. Can you imagine what victories we will celebrate when our whole country becomes a team…

Q: What were the ideas around which you united in the school?

A: The first was the idea of ​​defending the homeland. Suddenly you feel yourself infected with this “virus” to the last cell of your blood. You do not know how they did it, when it happened, but one thing is for sure, you are already a soldier of the homeland. And your classmates are soldiers. You are comrades-in-arms. And the homeland is more precious than life for all of you.

Q: Of course, not everyone is infected with this “virus”.

A: Well, if you have a strong resistance to the “virus” called patriotism due to your natural inclinations and upbringing, you will not be infected. And you will leave the area where patriotic values ​​prevail, that is, the army. While in high school, I was named Student of the Year, and Monte Melkonyan’s rifle was attached to me for a year. It was a great honor.

Q: By what criteria is the best student of the school selected?

A: Progress, physical and moral-psychological training.

Q: And why did you continue your military education, especially in logistics?

A: At the Monte Melkona Military Academy, we, of course, studied the Artsakh war in depth և, in general, the history of world wars. And I came to the conclusion that the rear is the engine of all armies. When we talk about the spirit of the army, we refer to the ideological, psychological, value preconditions, but there is also a very important factor – the material support of the soldier, which is also a component that strengthens the spirit.

Q: What ideas did the Volsk Military Institute unite the cadets around?

A: There were representatives of 21 nations in our school, including slaughterers – Azerbaijanis. For many of them, military service is a well-paid job. There was no emotion, no lofty idea. We were very similar to the Abkhazians in nature and ideas and were close.

Q: Were the representatives of those 21 nations very different in human relations?

A: No, people are the same everywhere. Maybe they are different in life, in the way they express their emotions. By and large, moral values ​​are the same everywhere. There is no nation that considers evil a positive trait or says that parenthood is bad, respects traitors, or does not value honesty … Communication with other nations and other cultures makes a person more open-minded.

Q: Did the course supplemented by foreigners manage to become a team?

A: I said at the beginning of the conversation that in order to become a team, people must unite around a big and powerful idea. We did not find that big and powerful idea for all of us, so there were small groups around the systems in the course.

Q: Did those groups coexist?

A: Sometimes we clashed when it was necessary to share something.

Q: And football, with its team philosophy, remained in the past?

A: No, why, at first I was playing in our cadet team, then the officers noticed my, not to sound immodest, obvious data and offered to play in the officers’ team. Now I play in the team of our university officers.

Q: How?

A: I am a goalkeeper. I never change my preferences and principles. I support the team.



Category: #30 (1350) 29.07.2020 - 04.08.2020, National army, Spotlight
