

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS PROTECTING OUR COUNTRYFor Vazgen and Marine Asatryan from Gandzak, July was full of emotions, feelings, feelings, smiles and tears, anxiety, waiting and pride were intertwined…

First, in early July, their eldest son, Vahan, left the army, it was the first leave after the war…

Just a few days later, on July 11, Vahan’s cousin Aram was demobilized. Aram also went through the turmoil of the war.

On July 15, the youngest son of the Asatryans, Vahagn, was drafted into the army.

We also met the modern defender of the homeland, Vahagn, at the Central Command. The mood was high, he was waiting for the draw of the future office with the boys from the village.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS PROTECTING OUR COUNTRY– It is not so important for me where I will serve. “Wherever we go, it is a corner of the homeland. The most important thing is that we defend our country, our land and water,” says Vahagn. The enemy that constantly provokes wars … Every inch of this land and water is kept at the cost of life for centuries … How many young boys died during this last war? There is no house that does not have a dead, wounded relative, relative or friend … Taron, one of our relatives, also died. Taron was a military man dedicated to his work, he was training in Russia, as soon as he received the news of the war he returned to Artsakh and fought heroically. On November 9, the day the ceasefire was established…

My father also took part in the war, he fought in Karvachar, my brother and cousin were also at the border … Now it is my turn to serve, I will serve with the same honor…




Both Vahan and Vahagn are seasoned young people who practiced aikikendo karate before going to the army.

“Vahan is a champion of the Caucasus and Europe, and I am only the champion of the Caucasus, but I think my victories are still ahead,” Vahagn assures or at the State Academy of Crisis Management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Vahagn says that he will realize all his dreams and goals in his birthplace.

– Foreign land, no matter how attractive it may seem, has never attracted me, I never intended to live in another country, for me the most dear, the most beautiful is my village…




The recruits from Gegharkunik leave the lottery room. I notice Vahagn in them, I want to approach, ask where he will serve, but I remember what he said. Wherever we go, it is a corner of the homeland, the most important thing is that we defend our country…

Before Vahagn goes to a new job, he will get used to the new environment, his older brother Vahan is at the forefront at that moment.

In the Asatryan family, now the expectation and pride have doubled: both sons are soldiers. The pillars of the hearth are now the pillars of the homeland…




Category: #29 (1400) 28.07.2021 - 3.08.2021, National army, Spotlight
