

Recently in the RA MOD Military Institute after Vazgen Sargsyan a function was organized dedicated to RA National Hero Movses Gorgisyan. Hero’s widow Ruzanna Gorgisyan and his comrades-in-arms addressed the students and teachers. Pupils from some Yerevan schools, supported by the Institute, also participated in the function.

Movses’s photos were displayed and a fragment from the movie “Soil and gold” (Director: Yervand Manaryan) where Movses Gorgisyan plays the leading role was shown. As is known Movses was not fated to become an actor. “He left the theatre and went to meet his fate. The theatre presented the Homeland with the biggest sacrifice”, – told afterwards Yervand Manaryan about the Hero.

Republican party of Armenia founder Ashot Navasardyan (1950-1997) said about him: “Movses means struggle, Movses always meant struggle, today and tomorrow and always it will mean struggle, struggle!”

“For you, students and pupils, Movses is the irreplaceable guideline in strengthening of the national army and Armenia”, – said Institute’s Deputy Head Colonel M.Hakobyan.

During the function the students and pupils performed national-patriotic songs and dances.

Shoushan Stepanyan

Category: #49 (914) 15.12.2011 – 21.12.2011, National army, News, Spotlight
