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"YOU DIED FOR THE SAKE OF THE HOMELAND, YOU LIVED FOREVER!"In this mountain village Shatin was born the hero of the Artsakh War, Yurik Levon Khanoyan. His father, Levon, mother Kim, brother Zhora and sister Varduhi still do not believe that he will not return, that he had died in the war. 22-year-old hero received the medal “For Courage”, the icon “Member of hostilities of 1992-1994”.

– He was a symbol of self-sacrifice, – say his comrades.

Yurik studied at the college of Verishen village of Goris region, then worked for a short time on a medical specialty, went to the front in Artsakh. In September, 1993 during the battle he was wounded in Kubatly area. But he did not leave the field of battle, continued fighting, he was also assistant to military doctor.

Early in the morning the Azerbaijanis suddenly attacked, wanting to take the reference point near the village Merdynly of Fizuli region. The fight was severe, with heavy losses on both sides. All around were wounded. Yura dragged three wounded to safety. But an enemy bullet “found” the brave soldier. And he closed his eyes among the wildflowers.

The warriors who die for homeland are immortal, and, as the poet said, “You died for the sake of the homeland, you lived forever!”

Vardges Khanoyan


P.S. Yurik Khanoyan is the only one who died in the Artsakh war from village of Shatin of Yeghegnadzor region, and it is surprising that until now there is nothing on his name: no school, where he studied, nor even at least one of the classrooms.

Category: #16 (1136) 04.05.2016 - 10.05.2016, Destinies, News
