Army and Society

I have had many opportunities to see the power of our army, to become sure of its power. I saw and felt the high morale of the Armenian soldiers and officers who are on the border. But I never was so confident on the issue of power of the army, so clearly did not realize the power of unity of the people and the military, as in the day of the meeting with two peasants from the village Berdavan…
Here is great respect for the military, they always want to exchange a few words with them. Grandfathers Ando and Hendo were waiting for us – me and deputy commander Lieutenant Colonel Badalyan.

Recently in the administrative complex of the RA Ministry of Defense a summary of the results of the Public Council under the Minister of Defense was held.
Chairman of the Board, adviser to the Defense Minister Gegham Harutyunyan, in his report, presenting the work done over the last 3 years, mentioned that the Council has constantly acted within the army-society relations and has always sought to contribute to the development of effective cooperation and collaboration between the army and society, allowing full provision of social and legal guarantees of servicemen, organized the visit of the intelligentsia, cultural groups in the military units.

This project is completely different from other series: here is a different format, a different approach. We can say, mostly it is a multi-part feature film. This is the first series in Armenia on military-patriotic themes. Gisaneh Poghosyan has written a soundtrack specially for the movie. The film stars two generations of artists: Rudolf Ghevondyan, Sargis Grigoryan, Armen Soghoyan, Ashot Ter-Matevosyan, Rosie Avetisova etc.

Berdavan village is just a few hundred meters away from the enemy. We are accompanied by the deputy commander of the military unit, Lieutenant Colonel Manuk Badalyan who says that vineyard is just around the military unit directly under the gun of the enemy, so it is not safe to work in the garden, to collect harvest. Spouses Aprikyans treated us with grapes, and it seemed to me that this grape has a very different flavor.

In the RA MoD Military Institute after Vazgen Sargsyan Institute-school cooperation stands on a solid foundation. In order to promote military-patriotic education of the younger generation, the Military Institute often organizes classes, competitions, Olympiads, provided by the subject “Basic military training”, as well as excursions, during which pupils get acquainted with the life of the students, with stimulators and training weapons.

Brothers Thovmas and Petros were saved from Vardanyan big family and settled in the village of Davitashen of Talin region. Tumo and Peto were famous storytellers. In the long winter evenings the villagers gathered around them and listened to their tales, stories. Sometimes they fell silent and faintly uttered, “Oh, my beloved country,” and everyone knew that they again remembered village Akhund of Sasun and the holy relics which were left there.

According to the joint order of the Ministers of Defense and Health of 2014, pre-vaccination of recruits is carried out in outpatient clinics. Vaccinations are done immediately after the attachment of 15-year olds in the military enlistment offices and completed in 16 years, providing 1 dose vaccination of hepatitis A, meningococcal, pneumococcal, ADP-M, tularemia.
Preservative inoculations of the called-up for compulsory military service are carried out a few months before being called in clinics attached to the military commissariats of Armenia.