Army and Society

Recently the Military training classroom of the school no. 163 of the 6th New Nork Massive was named after Yervand Karapetyan – Chuto who died heroically during Artsakh war and was rewarded posthumously with medals “For Braveery” and “For Liberation of Shoushi”. Hero’s mother – Rosa was honoured to open the classroom.

The in turn spring call-up is on in the republic. Buses with recruits from Sisian, Akhuryan, Armavir, Hrazdan, Artashat, from Yerevan’s districts Arabkir and Shengavit enter the Central recruit station. The recruits are accepted by credentials committee of the recruit station headed by Lt. Colonel A.Avanesyan.

In the Artsakh war Yezids, living in Armenia, also participated. Their services are not forgotten, many of them were rewarded with Defense Ministry’s medals. Recently another awarding ceremony took place.
Alik Tamoyan, Usub Mkhoyan, Suto Hasoyan, Aso Hasanyan, Gulikhan Khudoyan, Fero Mstoyan, Siaband Bakoyan, Sos Shamoyan, Bro Hasanyan, Serzhik Avetisyan were rewarded with medals of RA MoD “Vazgen Sargsyan”, “Admiral Isakov”, Commander Andranik”, “Drastamat Kanayan”.
The medals were presented by senior officer from the RA MoD PR & Information Department Torgom Nalbandyan.

On the 50th day of his re-assignment as Defense Minister, S.Ohanyan presented the main achievements and blunders of the Defense Ministry in the last 5 years.

On May, 29th in the administrative complex of RA MoD a 2-day conference started on “Problems of Military Psychology”. During the conference issues on military psychology, psychology factors of conflicts among the servicemen, ways of their overcoming, psychological side of the call-up were discussed.

On April 23 an expanded meeting of the Republican call-up commission was held, during which the 2012 autumn call-up results were summarized and 2013 spring call-up planning works were discussed.
RA AF General Staff Head Colonel General Yu.Khachaturov presented main report, and Defense Minister S.Ohanyan summarized the meeting. He mentioned that during 2012 autumn call-up corruption cases diminished and said that the functions on spring call-up realization would be stricter.