Army and Society

The 5th annual international show “DigiTech” was organized by Mkhitar Sebastatsi educational complex on the support of the Education & Science Ministry on the theme “The use of innovative methods and resolutions, IT and instruments in the educational system”.

Admiral Hernan Kuyumjyan from Chili is in his homeland for the second time. He is one of the founders of the Chili Fleet, serves 44 years, from them 10 – as an Admiral.
“Everywhere Armenians should be the best. When I return to Chili, I’ll tell them how Armenia has developed, reached success especially in the military sphere. Armenian army is young but it already has its history with living heroes. It is very important that Armenian youth can see its heroes, be proud of them.

Lebanon army Brigade General Panos Manjyan serves in the army 38 years.
“Since I am an Armenian, my spirit is strong. Armenian servicemen must be persistent in defending Armenia. Armenians, living in Armenia, are very lucky because everything around is Armenian… Arabs have more than 20 states. One collapses, they’ll create a new one, they have money, oil. Armenia doesn’t have them, that’s why each one must consider the duty of his soul to defend Armenia”.

On the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the foundation of the RA Armed Forces, On January 26th Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan met with YSU professors-teachers staff and students at the Yerevan State University. The Minister conducted “Lesson of Bravery” and mentioned that it is a big honour for him to be as a guest in the Alma Mater.
Finalizing the results of 2012 Mr.Ohanyan emphasized that the last year was significant for the Armed Forces in the sense of preparation and discipline.

On January 26th the final meeting of Defense, Education & Science, Culture, Sports & Youth Affairs Ministries and RA Police on the results of the work in military-patriotic upbringing in 2012 was held at the Yerevan State University. Ministers S.Ohanyan, A.Ashotyan, H.Poghosyan, Deputy Ministers, districts representatives as well as NKR Education & Science Minister S.Asryan were present.

On December 17th the discussion of the book “Strengthening of good behaviour and lessening of corruption in the defense sphere” was held. The book was translated into Armenian with the support of the OSCE Yerevan office. It was introduced by Dr. Philip Flourie, Deputy Director of Armed Forces Democratic Control Centre in Geneva who was in Armenia on a working visit.

Under this slogan the festival of martial arts started in “Dinamo” sports hall which was organized under the patronage of Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan. 14 martial arts federations participated in the festival.
The year of 2012 was remarkable for these federations – they signed a memorandum of cooperation which was the initiative of “Dinamo” Sports Union Council’s 1st Deputy Head Garnik Hayrapetyan. According to one of the articles of the Memorandum, the 14 federations are undertaking to inculcate patriotic spirit in the sportsmen of pre-recruit age, prepare them physically and mentally to the service in the Armenian army with honour and responsibility.