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Such a tutorial was very essential in our reality. In the whole world there is a tendency of return to own national values, even we can say that this is the epoch of nationalism. All return to their roots, try to develop only their own nation’s traditions. We live in such an explosive region that we have to be strong economically, militarily and ideologically to discover in time the source of danger and to neutralize it.


In the combat regiments the education process starts with the harmonization of accounts, which is logical. If all the accounts forming part of platoon or company (battery) acquire high tactical efficiency and each of them would be able to perform fully the required combat mission, it would be considered thsat it is set up the basis of the middle element’s tactical efficiency, the rest is commander’s (officer’s) task. And if he has essential tactical knowledge, experience and, why not, talent, he could correctly put together and use the force of small combat sub-units and achieve success.


Recently charity NGO «Karoti Kanch», which unites the families of soldiers perished in Artsakh war, has organized a 3-day function: visit the regiments in Syounik and Vayots Dzor regiments. The first point was the motorized infantry regiment.
The guests had a walk in the territory of the regiment, visited the renovated medical point, afterwards put flowers at the khachqar – cross-stone which commemorates victims perished in Artsakh war. The guests stayed for night in the regiment and got acquainted with the soldiers’ everyday life.


almost in all the post-Soviet countries more or less authoritarian regimes have been established, since there are no democratic traditions. Georgia (if we exclude Baltic states) during Michael Sahakashvili’s reign got the role of a leader in case of development. It appeared that Georgia has become the stronghold of democracy, got huge resources. Everything was formidable in the lower level – corruption, local authorities’ self-will were eliminated, however in-depth changes didn’t take place. Law enforcement agencies turned into a punitive body.


Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan declared the year of 2014 as year of struggle against street perverse morals. In his New Year Message the Minister mentions that the Armenian is a peaceful, generous man, and it is essential to identify these qualities at home, in the school, universities, in the army and struggle against street perverse morals.
But how to struggle with it at school, how to educate tolerance?
About these we talked with school teachers.

I am Arousyak Sargsyan, mother of three sons, three soldiers, and I am proud of them. I myself also serve in the army.
As great Nzhdeh told, “future of the homeland is in the palm of the Armenian mothers”. And indeed it is, since mother educates and gives her son the things which are essential for tomorrow’s citizen, defender of our borders. Mothers know how to feel for their sons, they know also how to pretend strong without showing their anxiety.


On February 19th a joint forum of International Organization of Unrepresented Nations and Talish National Movement was held in Еuropean Parliament (Brussels) which was dedicated to the issues on establishing peace in the Caucasus, particularly, problems of the national minorities, first of all Talish people whom were given 2 from total 6 reports.
Leader of Talish National Movement, Talish-Mugan Republic’s President Alakram Gummatzoda (more known as Colonel Gumbatov who recently had visited Armenia and Artsakh(Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) gave the main speech. The second speech was given by Talish Movement’s member, political analyst Mrs Farziya Lankony (Kerimova).
We talked about this Forum with Yerevan State University Iranian Studies Chair Head, Professor Garnik Asatryan.