
In October, 1970 during the flight from Erzerum to Kars (territory of Western Armenia, now Turkey) because of the cloudy weather and pilot’s mistake the American plane lost its orientation, violated USSR border and landed in Leninakan (now Gyumri, Republic of Armenia). The Soviet propaganda described that fact as “gross violation of air border and provocation”.

Recently the totals of artillerymen annual all-army competition “Fire Shield” were summed up. The Competition participants had to resolve problems, which were worked out by the RA MOD Rocket Troops & Artillery Department’s specialists and during the education year were published in the Armenian MOD newspaper “Hay Zinvor” (Armenian Soldier). Among the problems were: conditional enemy’s location’s determination, analysis of battle situation, locality and weather conditions, fire direction’s determination on the basis of artillery reconnaissance data etc. Participant’s answers were examined by the Commission headed by Deputy Head of Department Colonel A.Mkrtchyan.

From September 26 till October 8 the final stage of “The Best Artillery Battery” Competition was conducted. The Committee consisted of RA AF Rocket Troops & Artillery Department’s specialists comprehensively checked the everyday service of the batteries, their ability to fulfill formulated tasks, firing and fire-control, their tactical, technical and special training.

On October 19 the training assembly of reservists was over, which started on the 1st of April. Assembly conducts for the first time according to the “RA Law on Military Duty” and order confirmed by RA Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan early this year.
Assemblies lasted from 3 to 10 days subject to their nature. According to Colonel G.Goulyan, Deputy Head of RA AF GS Organization-Mobilization Department, the first assembly was conducted with reservist sappers of Engineers Corps, and the last – with Air Defense specialists.

From October 1-9 the group of Armenian servicemen took part in the 8th Sports Contest of CIS countries Armed Forces in Saint Petersburg. Groups from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine also participated in the Contest. Azerbaijan refused from participation due to the lack of finances.
Consisting from only 8 members the Armenian delegation won 3 medals – 2 golden and 1 silver.
Contest participant, student of RA MOD Military Institute after V.Sargsyan Romick Vardumyan shooting targets from ПM3 pistol, collected 284 points and won a gold medal.

Recently on one of the regiments basе the final stage of all-army contest “The Best Communication Platoon” was conducted. Both, participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills were examined. For the first time the test-method was used: the Contest participants answered the Questionnaire worked out by the RA AF GS Communications & Automatic Control System Department’s specialists. Big consideration was given to the practical work on staff-command machinery and radio-stations “Harris”. During participants evaluation the skills of commanders to explain the task and their ability to give orders and assignments were also considered.

In the RA National Assembly “AF RA Disciplinary Codex” Bill has been submitted. For the first time effort is made to bring to law form the military-disciplinary relations in the Armed Forces of Armenia. Today these relations are regulated by RA Government decision, made yet in 1996.
The aim of the Bill is to bring the Codex to coincidence with AF reforms requests. “The Bill was sent to examination to European specialists by the instrumentality of the OSCE Yerevan Office.