#40 (905) 13.10.2011 – 19.10.2011

According to RA Military Commissar Major General Sergey Chalyan, eradication of infringement of the law in the Military Registration Offices is one of the most important issues of the Department’s leadership.
“For the last two years MRO 12 employees were dismissed, 6 of them – Milcoms. Two were displaced and downgraded. 33 employees were brought to disciplinary penalty. I am confident that today we have more jural, disciplined department and we continue working in the direction of system’s perfection”, – told Major General.

In the RA National Assembly “AF RA Disciplinary Codex” Bill has been submitted. For the first time effort is made to bring to law form the military-disciplinary relations in the Armed Forces of Armenia. Today these relations are regulated by RA Government decision, made yet in 1996.
The aim of the Bill is to bring the Codex to coincidence with AF reforms requests. “The Bill was sent to examination to European specialists by the instrumentality of the OSCE Yerevan Office.

On October 7, 2011 in the RA Ministry of Defense the final stage of the all-army annual Contest of social-state training group leaders’ was conducted. With the help of tests knowledge of militarymen in the sphere of principles, methods and ways of teaching, skills of implementation, efficiency of organized studies were checked.

On October 3-7 in the framework of the NATO program “Partnership for Peace” in the Swiss city of Tun a Conference on Cartography, Measurement and Geodesy was organized. 16 countries took part in the Conference, among the CIS countries – only Armenia and Moldova. The aim of the Conference was the profound cooperation of civil and military institutions of this sphere.

On October 3-8 a Conference was organized by the USA State Secretariat in Washington dedicated to the problems of medical protection during NATO operations. All the NATO member-countries, as well as Macedonia, Serbia, Austria, Switzerland and Armenia took part in the Conference. Armenia was presented by Colonel A.Parsadanyan, head of Military-Medical Department of RA MOD and Lieutenant Colonel M.Vardanyan, head of Division.

Long ago it was proved that understanding of war reasons by a serviceman considerably affects his personality and moral-psychological merits. One of the evidence is the Artsakh liberation war against the Azeri invaders.
“The military-political leadership of Azerbaijan was not able to clearly present to its nation the aims of the dictated to NKR and Armenia war, and to lift the bellicose spirit”, – says psychologist, PhD in Psychology, associate professor, Colonel Vazgen Markaryan.

These days the Basic Military Training Class of the School No.77 after Rouben Miroyan in Yerevan was named after the warriors-volunteers detachment “Aramo”, participants of Artsakh liberation war.
In this connection a solemn function was organized in participation with “Aramo” Detachment’s legendary commander Colonel Aram Torgomyan (Aramo), his comreades-in-arms, servicemen, NGO representatives, pupils with their parents and teachers.