#35 (1053) 11.09.2014 – 17.09.2014

Tomorrow here, in this same hall a document will be adopted that will be related to the security of my people and peace in our region. There are two options. Either it will adopt the language of the OSCE Minsk Group, which is the only specialized international structure dealing with the Nagorno Karabakh problem, a language that was proposed and supported by the Co-Chair countries that are represented here by France and the United States of America, or upon the lobbying of another member State it will pass again with an aim to save the face of our tyrant neighbor vis-a-vis his own people. Believe me it will not lead to any positive results. Either common sense and a desire for peace must be tantamount otherwise xenophobia will deepen as will the war rhetoric and deadly provocations provoked by Azerbaijan.

On August 16-31 the team of Military Sports Lyceum after Monteh Melkonian participated in international youth training military-sports gathering “Union 2014: the descendants of Victory”, which was held in Kyrgyz Republic. Teams from Russian Federation (8), Kyrgyzstan (2), Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova and Transnistria Moldova Republic also participated.

Regular readers of “Hay Zinvor” were pleasantly surprised by a photograph of a young mother of two soldiers from Vanadzor Karineh Qocharyan, on whose head was a wreath of wildflowers. The photo was on the cover of the previous issue of our newspaper, and at the bottom – her words: “… Oh, how I love my state KING-MOTHER!”

Our army’s victory was not by chance, that was a natural phenomenon, regularity, so we have to figure it out all the time and do not be surprised by our courage, all the time should not admire the courage of our soldiers.
Our media should not repeat the style of Azerbaijanis, that is the style of the defeated side, and must abandon the “pleasure” to humiliate, offend the enemy, his soldier, authorities. This behavior does not fit the victorious country… After the war and the victory we should be in the position of the winner: decent, generous and forgiving.
Tat or Caucasian Persian language in historical Shirvan during the Islamic Middle Ages to the early 20th century was the primary language of the territory, as evidenced also by so-called father of Azerbaijani historiography Abbas Ghuli Agha Bakikhanov. In subsequent years, as a result of the introduction of Turkism and an active policy of assimilation of indigenous peoples, it was expelled from the areas of expansion.