#02 (1071) 22.01.2015 – 28.01.2015

Although the massacres of Armenians in Turkey stopped, but they continued to have their tragic consequences also in the 1900’s, and migration of Armenians continued to the Crimea.
It all deeply affected the already aging artist. And he, on the 19th of April (according to the new calendar, on May 2) in the morning took the brush, approached the easel and began to draw a new plot, a sketch of which he had already sketched out the night before, on a piece of paper in the dining room. The artist worked intensely excited and indignant. He wanted to complete the picture on the same day, and called it the “Explosion of the Turkish ship”.

Firstly I would say that in the 2013 and in the 2014 we skillfully organized and implemented the protection of the state border. The main result is – no losses, no wounded. We believe that the task is completed. In the area of discipline, we have a good performance. Thus, violations, compared with last year, decreased by 50%, by 60% reduced incidents of hazing, by 80% – cases of self-mutilation. Last year, the military unit was inspected by the Chief Military Inspectorate and received a “satisfactory” rating.

The Ministry of Defence together with the schools conducts systematic work towards the education of the younger generation.
In the Yerevan school No.196 after Ashot Navasardyan all the holidays are observed, beautiful events are organized for glorification of national heroes, fighters-liberators and relatives of perished warriors are also in the focus.

It seems we know everything about the world-famous singer, National Hero of Armenia. However, in the National Archives of Armenia there are documents about an important event of 1946 in the life of Aznavour family, which is not even hinted by the biographers of Charles Aznavour. It is the decision of the Aznavuryan family to repatriate to the Soviet Armenia after World War II, in 1946.

The thing is that during the first test, in June, we received “unsatisfactory” rating, which was very unpleasant for us. We were given the opportunity to retake the exam. After that, we did everything to remedy the shortcomings. By the way, the second test was also sudden. However, this time we got a “satisfactory” rating. But this estimate is not the limit of our abilities. We deserve a higher valuation, and we will soon prove it.